More Class Dates!
Since these classes all filled so fast:
L1 GO-SOLO Class on Mon's, 6-9:30pm, starting Monday, September 14th (4 sessions).
L2 GO-SOLO Class on Wed's, 6-9:30pm, starting Wednesday, September 9th (7 sessions)
L2 GO-SOLO Class on Mon's, 6-9:30pm, starting Monday, October 19th (7 sessions)
NOTE: This last class will skip the Monday before Thanksgiving (11/23) so will end 12/7
Christine will be adding an additional L2 class this fall (NOTE: only grads of L1 are eligible for L2):
L2 GO-SOLO Class on Tuesdays, 6-9:30pm, starting Tues, October 20th (7 sessions)
NOTE: This last class will skip the Tuesday before Thanksgiving (11/23) so will end 12/8
We've also got our dates set for our first L1 of 2016!
L1 GO-SOLO Class on Tuesdays, 6-9:30pm, starting Tues, January 19th (4 sessions).
Christine is currently interviewing potential students for the L1 class (which is a pre-requisite for taking the L2 class). All of these classes will fill quickly, so if you're interested, email us today.
(Pictured: GO-SOLO alum Rhonda Musak in RHONDA BADONDA: The Adventures of a Girl with a Pain in her Brain - now premiering at the Vancouver Fringe!)