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TWO L2 Class Showings THIS WEEK!

We've got TWO L2 Class Showings THIS WEEK - and you're invited! Both are at Theaterlab (357 West 36th Street btw 8th/9th aves, 3rd floor.) Just $5! No RSVP needed.

  • THIS Tuesday, April 28th @ 7pm: Brad Agry, Jessica Elkin, Mila Levine, Erik Mueller and Sarah Shively debut five fantastic 20-minute solo shows about uptight gay Republicans, daringly amorous ushers, imaginative Soviets, daydreaming computers and stubborn lesbians making babies. How can you resist??

  • THIS Wednesday, April 29th @ 7pm: Evan Brenner, Richard Mazda, Mia Raye Smith and Carey Urban premiere four more terrific 20-minute solo shows about dissatisfied tele-prompters, ravenous British rockers, agoraphobic cutie-pies and the latest in a long line of under-perfoming performers who may or may not have magic powers. You gotta see these too!!

If you've ever wanted to see what kind of work gets created in our GO-SOLO classes, this is your chance!


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